The Gospels for Little Ones

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Reviews and Endorsements

I highly recommend The Gospel for Little Ones series for any parent or catechist desiring to hand on the faith to our children. The rhythmic writing is engaging and follows the basic chapter outline of the actual gospel text. 

These books teach little ones about the life of Christ and yet do not sacrifice gospel context as they begin to learn the chapters of the gospels themselves. Beautifully animated and written with great care, your child will learn and grow in their relationship with the Lord Jesus, who loves His little ones!

- Bishop David L. Toups, Diocese of Beaumont

Sara Meyer has filled a void in Christian literature for children. Undertaking a magnificent feat, she has crafted poetic verse for the Gospels! The words are so beautifully chosen that they capture the essence of the Gospel simple enough for children to comprehend but rich and deep enough to seep into the hearts and souls of readers of all ages. With thousands of books on my shelves, I've yet to read or find any piece of literature like this. The accompanying illustrations are simple and yet capture the core of the verses on each page. As both a parent and an educator, this is enriching, since the child can be meditating in their own way on the illustrations as they marinate in the verses that are being melodically read to them. As with all well-crafted poetry, the reader can delve deeper into the poet's message with several subsequent reads. In this case, the poet's verse conveys divine Truth, whose meaning is never exhausted, thus Meyer's books can be read repeatedly making this a perfect book for parents, grandparents, Godparents, and educators. The author has a servant's heart and has produced a true, good, and beautiful creation that undoubtedly glorifies God.

 - Ann Fulkerson, Director,  Aquinas Learning Houston Campus

Coloring pages (pdf):

transfiguration coloring.pdf

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